
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Special Guest Post: Cupcake Tote Tutorial

A special treat for you today:  a guest post by Stephanie from Toastie Studio.  You all know how much I love sewing bags, so Stephanie's tutorial is a very welcome addition to this blog.  And just look at how adorable the tote is!  I'm going to try this with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles!

Leave a comment so Stephanie knows how much you like this sweet (literally!) tote.  

Happy crafting and big hugs from Montana,
Rikka J.
a.k.a. Ricochet  :o)

Hi my name is Stephanie and I normally blog over at Toastie Studio but today I am visiting Ricochet and Away! to bring you a fun tutorial on how I made my cupcake tote entry for this months solids-only tote challenge.

 You will need:

For the tote
  • Heavy weight cotton canvas, or normal cotton with an added a layer of heavy interfacing to two of the cupcake pieces.
  • Cotton for the cupcake applique
  • Pattern (download hereThe pattern includes 1/4" seam allowance.
For the cherry brooch
  • 3inch/7cm diameter red felt circles x 2
  • Brooch pin
  • 15cm green ribbon
  • Small amount of poly-fill
Step 1 Print off the pattern and follow the instructions to stick the pieces together and cut out the required pieces of fabric.
Remember if you are using normal fabric for the tote, you will need to add a layer of interfacing to two of the cupcake pieces.

  Step 2 First we are going to make the handles. Take one of the rectangles strips and fold it in half lengthways and press. Unfold it then fold the edges into the the crease we made before and press again.
Then fold in half again and sew down both edges.
Step 3 Take one of the cupcake tote pieces and the cupcake bottom applique. Pin in place leaving about 1inch/3cm gap around the edge.
Sew around the edge of the applique. I went around it twice to give it a nice rustic look. Then using the pattern piece as a guide, add 5 stripes to make it look like a cupcake case (these can be very rough).
  Step 4 Lay the cupcake top applique on top of the tote piece and in in place, this time leave less of a gap along to top edge of the tote and applique.
Sew around the outside of the applique, then using the pattern as a guide add in the swirls of the cupcake icing. Again these can be very rough, or use a washable fabric pen if you prefer.
  Step 5 With the cupcake piece we just sewed, place it with the appliqued side facing up. Take one finished handle and using the pattern pin the ends into place, sticking about 1/2inch / 1cm over the edge. Then lay a blank cupcake piece on top and pin around the edges.
(silly me took a picture of two blanks together)
Sew all the way around the edge, leaving a 3inch / 7cm gap along the bottom for turning. Repeat for the other two cupcake blanks.
  Step 6 Turn the two cupcakes right way out and press so the edges are nice and flat.
Step 7 Align the two cupcakes together, with the applique facing inwards (and check your top edges match!) Pin around the edges. Measure from the bottom of the tote and mark 9inchs/22cm on each side. Sew around the edge of the tote from one mark to the other.
Turn the tote right way out and its finished! Except for the cherry on top!!!
  To make the cherry brooch
1. Sew the brooch bar onto the middle of one of the felt circles.
2. Fold the ribbon in half and pin it to the edge of the circle with the brooch side facing up.
3. Place the second circle on top of the first and sew around the edge, leaving a gap for turning.
4. Turn the cherry and stuff. Ladder stitch the opening shut and pin to your cupcake tote.


  1. Oh my goodness... that is just so cute!! I like how you deployed the colors and kept the stitching simple. The cherry is the perfect touch!

  2. It's so cute and so unique! I think it would work great as a pillow design. It's giving me a ton of ideas!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh that is adorable! Great tute too! This challenge is bringing out some amazing talent!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. That is SO cute!!! I know a little someone who would just adore this. I'm pinning this so I can make it as a Christmas present. Great tutorial! Thanks for sharing.


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