
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Disabling the "right-click"

right click disable copy How to Disable Right click in Blogger / Blogspot ?
I am so sorry to do this to you all, but yet again I have no crafty post for you.  Instead I have come to complain a bit and ask for advice.  I enjoy blogging nearly as much as I love crafting.  If you look at my tutorial page, you'll see that I love to share tips and strategies with you all.  If you look at my sidebar, you'll see how proud I am of all the lovely people who have featured my work.  It is so rewarding to look at my blog's stats and see traffic coming from those sites that featured my work.

Today I noticed a tiny bit of traffic coming from an unknown source.  When I followed the link I found THIS.  (please take a minute to check it out, though I loath to give them more traffic.)  They took my entire post, omitted the text and re-posted it with a link back to the original post.  They did include the link back, but why would anyone need to follow it since all the photos had the steps written on them.  I did not appreciate that.  Why not just take a single photo and place a link under it?  I think it is rude.  I've seen a similar thing happen with a friend's blog and it's just infuriating.

In response, I've considered disabling the right-click function on my blog.  That would prevent anyone from right-clicking on my photos and reusing them on their sites.  I found an easy way to this HERE.  Just a simple code to embed in a gadget.  Would this end the problem?  Would it deter more noble-minded sites from featuring my posts?  I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.


  1. Hmm, useful tip. Sorry your blog got "raped". I know notions of copyright vary from country to country (more experienced with Asia where plagiarism is encouraged... A uni lecturer told me to copy the notebook and essays submitted by a top student the previous year... And it must be hard being a crafter and not speaking english but having web access. Wish i could read the russian to see what she says!

    1. Laura, thanks for the sympathy and dry humor. You're pretty cool!

  2. this is the second blog i have read today with worries, the other one is having spaim with mean comments. some people are just mean and should find them selfs something to do. like get a job

  3. I love both comments that were left earlier. :)

    I am sorry that this happened to you, Rikka. I think they could have just asked to share your tutorial before sharing this.

    Thank you for sharing the tip. I just did it with my blog. :)

  4. Hi Rikka

    I know this happens all over the place - and to be honest I've come to accept it. Your photos are all watermarked and there's a clear link back to your site. It's very clear that it's your work and it has brought you some traffic - no matter how small.
    I'm not saying it's right to copy all your photos, but at least they weren't trying to pass it off as their own work!

    I think that if you're putting things out there for free on your blog, then this is a part of what will happen. I'm all for taking measures like watermarking your photos and copyrighting your work, I do that with my posts, but so long as people don't claim my work as theirs, then I let copying of pictures go and enjoy the extra unexpected traffic!

    1. Excellent point Jill. I'm feeling less huffy about it now that I've had some time to mull it over today. It's kind of like being mad at a car thief when I was the one who left the keys in the car and the windows down. Well, not exactly like that, but a little bit. I'm not quite ready to disable the right-click today, but I'm holding on to the link just in case.... I appreciate your comment. Thanks!

  5. I would disable the right-click in a heartbeat. Creative Commons Attribution!

  6. I hate it when that happens! I have had my travel writings re-posted by other sites, which is sooooooo annoying, especially when they don't even have the decency to link back or attribute the work to me. I have however had nice people who have asked to re-post. The stupid thing is, if the stupid moron copiers asked in the first place...... GRRRR. I'll send them bad vibes for you. And an angry scowl.

  7. It's annoying for you that this has happened, Rikka, but probably part and parcel of publishing online. If it had happened to me, I would NOT be happy. In fact, I probably wouldn't know if it did happen, as I don't click on sites from my stats, unless I know the source... perhaps I'm overcautious... do a Google search on it. It's a reminder to me to make sure I watermark all my photos. I right click ALL the time when on other's blogs, so that links open in a new tab. I just find it an easier way to navigate.

    Would it deter more noble-minded sites from featuring your posts? If it were me wanting to feature you, I'd email you as I know you. If I didn't know the person, it would depend on how tired I was and whether I'd left it till the last minute (highly probable). To be honest, if there was another project that was nearly as good, caught my eye, etc, I'd probably go for the other project.

  8. Sorry for your troubles Rikka. I know how you feel! It's very annoying but as long as it doesn't happen often I would just take it as a compliment that your work is worth copying. How sad must they be to copy someone else's work? Really.

  9. That is horrible that this happened to you! I guess it's been drilled into me from school to site sources so I always do it when I borrow images from another website. I haven't taken an entire post though, but would definately ask prior to doing that.

    I've been meaning to check into disabling right clicks on my blog and this was the push for me to add the code.

  10. Well, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I looked at the site in question again today. And do you know what? The link to my original post has been removed! It was there and now it's gone. Someone made a conscious decision to remove it. If little ol' me with my tiny blog and facebook page prompted the removal--then I'm happy the thief knows she's being watched.

  11. I know I'm late to the party, and I certainly understand your frustration... Here's my thing (personally) with the right clicky....

    I don't have a craft room and my lap top died. So I do all my crafts on my dining table... across the house from my computer. So a lot of times, when I am following a tutorial, I will right click, copy, and print it out. Without right clicky, I can't copy and paste and print and do.

    So your tutorials would be useless to me. :( And I'm new to your site, but you have some good ones I can't wait to do!

    Just a thought.


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