
Friday, February 3, 2012

Pinterest interest

Here's the latest thing I've been geeking out on: Pinterest pins that came from Ricochet and Away!  Other people actually pinning things that came from my blog!  Crazy, right?  You know, you probably have stuff pinned from your blog.

Do you know how to locate all the pins from your blog?

Well in case you didn't, here's the skinny.  You simply type this URL into your browser: BLOGS'S URL/
For example, mine is:
And this is what I see when I get there:

I love to scroll through and see the descriptions people put on the pins.  Some of my favorites:

  • handmade secksi clutch (lol, secksi!)
  • Because I need more purses..... (awww, after my own heart!)
  • Don't love this particular purse, but love the idea of modge podging fabric to an existing purse! (lol, 1 out of 2 ain't bad)
  • Like the idea. Don't like the fabric in the tutorial. (different strokes...)
  • This lady shows several ways to use blue tape as a sewing tool  (I'm "this lady"!!!!)
  • I am officially gonna start going to thrift stores~!  (Go girl!)
  • I don't even sew and this quilt looks easy enough for me to make!  (yes!)
  • Too easy not to try once.  (Exactly.)
I appreciate my fans so much, and it feels great to know that I can inspire others.  Thank you to all you pinners and re-pinners out there.  I'd love to follow your boards so please leave a comment with your pinterest link.

I would really appreciate it if you would check out the Naughty Notions Challenge Finale and Voting page:

Anyone can vote once per day throughout February.  Please visit the links to each of the participants and "pin" the ones you like!  

Happy crafting and big hugs from Montana,


  1. When I first found out about this I was obsessed with looking too! It's still fun to see what people like. I read recently that pinterest is the #1 search engine source by far..and the #1 referring site for etsy so make sure to pin your shop items when you list. Pinterest really has changed the searching game.

    1. Hi Kelly!
      Some very good advice about pinning your shop items. Thanks!
      Rikka J.

  2. Wow..thanks for this info. Off to check out. Love your comments next to the other comments. :-)

  3. So cool....four of my posts were on there. Thanks again. I have to share this with more people now. :-)

    1. Hi Merry!
      Yay! I helped at least one person so this post was definitely worth it!
      You should start pinning your own projects to get them out there.
      Rikka J.

  4. Guilty as charged :D But you've got really great stuff and I'm so sad I didn't find out about your Naughty Notions challenge till late.

    1. Thanks so much for your nice comment! Please stay tuned for details on our next challenge. It will take place throughout March. We'd love to have you join us.

  5. I've totally been doing this too! It's like an instant pick me up. And yes, Kelly is absolutely right about pinning your Etsy shop items. I do it everytime I list something new. It really does help.

  6. Cool, how did you find that out? I tried it too but couldn't find any juicy comments. Twas fun to spy though!


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