
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scarves with Pockets

There is something cool about scarves with pockets, don't you think?
I decided to make a little round-up of my favorite pocketed scarves from around the web.
I hope you are inspired to make something for the Ring Your Neck Scarf Challenge.
Just a reminder: please don't "pin" from this post, but follow the links and pin from the original source.

Fast and Fleecy Accessories by Nancy Zieman
I love this fleece scarf  with a zippered pocket.
I found it at Sewing with Nancy.

Here is a great tutorial for a cozy fleece scarf
by Delia Creates.
[source and tutorial]

Pocket Scarf
I found this cut kids scarf at
Family Fun magazine's website.
[source and tutorial]
Look at this cutie-patootie in her fleece scarf with pockets!
I found this at The Muddy Princess.
[source and tutorial]
These pull through scarves feature a  "hidden treasure pocket"
see pic below:
I found these at Living with Punks.
[source and tutorial]
Tess Giberson Quilted Scarf
I found this down-filled puffer scarf
at by designer Tess Giberson.
It was $335, but it's all sold out.

MM6 by Maison Martin Margiela Quilted-Scarf W/Pockets
This less-than-enthused model is wearing  a lovely
quilted scarf with pockets by designer Maison Martin Margiela.
The best of both worlds with pockets and buttons.
It's like a vest and a wrap, and I love it with the belt.
Disney from Ruffles and Stuff guest posted the tutorial
on I am Momma Hear me Roar.

Thanks for reading today!  I hope you'll consider joining my scarf sewing challenge.
You can find out more details HERE.

Happy crafting and big hugs from Montana,


  1. Believe it or not, I've never seen a scarf with pockets before. The Muddy Princess one is cute. You can stop specific photos, such as in this post, from being pinned...
    It's very easy. I put the code in all my 'featured' posts.

  2. That model takes the disinterested look to a new level :)


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