
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scarves with Prints

One of the rules I made for November's Ring Your Neck Challenge is that sewing is optional.
Another rule is that you must try something new.
So if you aren't going to sew, let me suggest trying some fun dying and printing techniques:

Dali Border Dipped Scarf Indigo white, indigo, women's scarves
This fine wool scarf was dip-dyed
in indigo--a lovely effect.
I found these dip-dyed scarves
on the Martha Stewart website.
These striped shawls by Virginia Johnson
are bright and fun.
Designer, Maria Alexandra Vettese has printed photographs
of the the sky on silk scarves.  Breathtaking!
about upstate
quoted from their website:
"about upstate: 
kalen and astrid design garments utilizing their 
own take on shibori* and dip dyeing. 
each item is hand dyed and one of a kind."
A fun freezer paper print on a jersey scarf
by Ashley Weeks Cart.
[source and tutorial]
These scarves from Bali would be fun to try.
Whether you do a wax resist dye or handpainting
or freezer paper stencil....
A silk-screened scarf by the folks at Prudent Baby.
This cool "Quote Scarf" by The Fashion Planner
was made with a sharpie.  I want to try it too!
[source and tutorial]
how to make a galaxy scarf
Stacie at gives a great tutorial on how make a
"Galaxy Scarf"
[source and tutorial]
Here's another great freezer paper stencil
printed scarf.  This one is by Jessica Jones
from How About Orange.
[source and tutorial]

So do you have a favorite you want to try?
Anyone is welcome to join the scarf challenge.
You can sign up HERE.

Happy crafting and big hugs from Montana,

1 comment:

  1. Ricochet, thanks for all the inspiration you give us, I love all these projects, thanks for putting them all here and with the respective links for the tutorials.Marisa-


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