
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby Tuff Update

Guess who's coming home after 109 days in the hospital?  TUFF!!!!  We have nicknamed my cousin's sweet son Tuff because he is just that: Tough as all get out!  

He was born June 15th, 2012, around 100 days before his due date.  
He was 1 pound and 15 ounces at birth and only 13 inches long.  

He went through multiple surgeries to repair holes in his intestines, but is now nursing and pooping like a pro!  
He's over 7 pounds, and gaining more every day he's on his momma's milk.
He's also coming home after 109 days in an out of state hospital.
Just in time for Thanksgiving!!!!

Thanks to everyone who offered their prayers and warm words of hope to Tuff and his family!
Babies are such blessings, and so are all of you!

Big hugs from Montana,


  1. yay! congratulations to baby Tuff and your entire family! He's fighter!

  2. Felicidades a toda la familia!!!!!!
    Este año acción de gracias será muy muy especial.

  3. Hi Rika! So glad to hear baby 'Tuff' is coming home! He is indeed a blessing from God! Thanks for the update! Blessings from Bama!

  4. That is awesome!! What a cutie he is!!!

  5. That is brilliant news Rikka, he is adorable!


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