
Monday, August 8, 2011

Up for a Challenge?

My newest and dearest blogging friend Keren from:

has just posted her finished hand-quilted pillow!
I featured the almost-done project in my I Love Green post last Friday.  Take a look at her finished work of art:

Gorgeous, right?  And I must say her photograph really enhances the "puffiness" and needlework.  This pillow caught my eye because of all the green in it, but check out the other pillow she made:

Obviously Keren has some skills, not only with the technical aspects of such a project, but she has an "eye" for matching up colors and prints.  Could I do something like this??????  I don't know, but I'm dying to try!!!!

Keren and I started emailing back and forth, and a plan formulated! (insert evil laugh!)  She was interested in trying reverse applique (which is pretty much the only kind of applique I do) while I was interested in regular applique and quilting in general.  So now we are working on a project together!!!!  (insert squeal of delight!) 

Keren, a huge fan of retro styles (1950s) sent me some very cool retro patterns to use as inspiration for a common theme and I was very taken with this one:
This is the inspiration for our theme:
squares/rectangles with rounded corners
with circles.  Ya dig?

We agreed on certain parameters:

Project: Pillow cover, approx 50x50 cm (20 x 20 inches)
Design: squares/rectangles with rounded corners, optional circle in the center.
Color scheme: whatever you like!
Techniques to be used: Quilting, Applique, Reverse Applique (hand stitched and/or machine stitched)
Timeline:  The month of September
Voting: Everyone can vote via poll linky-dealio (high tech term!)
Prizes?:  Winner(s) receive bragging rights and a super-neato badge of honor!
So here we are in the Retro Pillow Challenge!  (insert applauding audience!)

Click here for more info

Would you like to join in?  Please!  We'd love to have you!  Comment on this post or email us and let us know.  We've made a wonderful hostess page with contact information here.  Keren has created some great tutorials to help us all with quilting (by hand and machine) and applique and patchwork:
How she made her latest green/blue pillow with the applique squares.

And I'm a slacker and have only done this tute:

Reverse Applique: The Ricochet Method

Update:  We've created a Retro Pillow Challenge Headquarters here.

Please join us!
And Keren, of course!


  1. I don't twitter myself, yet, so I'm definitely slacking in that dept. I have a "tweet this" gadget on my sidebar and that's as far as I've gone. Thanks, Anon., for the good advice.

  2. ok, now I twitter! or tweet? not sure yet how this works, but I have a "follow" button on my sidebar....

    Also would like to officially annoounce my participation in the retro pillow challenge. I have ZERO quilting experience so this should be a great learning experience!

  3. My Name is Lakshmi
    I am from India
    I am a SAHM and aspiring Fashion Designer
    Adithis Amma Sews - Cute Confessions of a Sew Addict -
    Blog was born in 2008, but actively blogging since 2009
    Got to know about this challenge through Riochet's mail
    Panty (LOL) as my aunt was a professional tailor and taught tailoring classes, we started with basics!
    Dice Floor Cushion with Tutorial
    I dream almost every night and the most incredible part is i am able to remember most of my dreams after getting up!
    URL for an image to represent ME

  4. My name is June
    I am currently living in Iowa
    I am a wanna be full time crafter, but instead a full time worker with a crafting addiction
    My blog is
    I have been actively blogging since 11/2010
    I have no idea what my first sewing project was, but I distinctly remember my 4-H leader telling me to "rip it out" and do it again whenever there was an error!
    My last project was a skirt made from a size 3x mens shirt
    The most surprising thing about me is I have survived (so far) raising two boys


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