Due to the incredible friends, success, fun, knowledge, and inspiration we gained from the previous
Retro Pillow Challenge, Keren and I have decided to bring you the:
This Challenge is now closed. Please see a list of all the finished totes and vote for your favorite HERE.
PROJECT: Tote bag
THE KICKER: You must use solid colors only, no prints!
TECHNIQUES: Use at least one of the following: Applique, Reverse Applique, or Patchwork.
VOTING: A Polldaddy poll will be set up to determine the winner.
PRIZES: Winner(s) will receive bragging rights and a snazzy button!
START: November 1st, 2011
LAST DAY FOR SUBMISSION: November 30th, 2011
VOTING: December 1-31, 2011
Please visit the Solids-Only Tote Challenge Inspiration & Resource Page here.
What you'll find there:
- Applique gallery and tutorials
- Patchwork gallery and tutorials
- Tote bag gallery and tutorials
Participants are utilizing a common pinterest board to display inspirational photos, works in progress, and finished totes.
Count me in! How do I sign up?
Simply comment below or email Keren or Rikka the answers to these questions:
- Your name
- Where you're from
- You, in a nutshell
- Your blog/website name(s) and URLs
- How you heard about the Solids-Only Tote Challenge
- URL for an image to represent you or email one we can use
Grab a button:
The Dos:
- Do adhere to the challenge's guidelines.
- Do be friendly and check out your fellow participants' blogs, pinterest boards, facebook pages, twitters and spread some love!
- Do grab a button for your blog.
- Do conctact one of your lovely hostesses (Keren or Rikka) if you have any questions or concerns.
The Don'ts:
- There is only one don't: Don't take this too seriously. We're here to socialize, learn and have fun!
Meet the Challenge Participants:
Pam from Australia
and author of:
I've just retired after 30+ years of Teaching, so for the first time in my life, I can wake up each day and decide how I will spend all the free time that I have. Amazingly, I wonder how I had time to fit in work. The majority of my spare time is divided between sewing, gardening and spending time on my computer. I've bought a motor bike this year and am going to relearn how to ride in retirement. I haven't ridden for about 20 years. |
Jill from Australia
and author of:
My name is Jill and although originally from England I'm now proudly Aussie and living in Cairns! I sew and I blog. I strongly believe that anyone can do anything they truly want to - so try to post tutorials to help others believe they too can create and sew whatever they desire! I'm also a HUGE fan of upcycling and love making things out of old clothes - and anything else I find and hoard! I'm always learning more about sewing - and can't wait to learn even more through this challenge! |
I'm a christian wife, mom, & Nonnie.
Last yr I left my full time job to care for my oldest daughter, who was left with a brain injury from diabetes. I love to crochet, sew, cook, and fish with my honey. I'm excited to be a part of this challenge. |
Jennifer from Texas
and author of:
I moved to Texas in July to get married to an amazing guy. Thats when I started my blog . I wanted an outlet for my creativity and a way to meet new people. |
Lakshmi from India
and author of:
Aspiring freelance fashion designer planning to launch own clothing line in near future. I blog about the 2 loves of my life - Daughter and Sewing! |
Gia from Greece
and author of:
A compulsive crafter, addicted to fabric, beads and ribbon (mostly) who wishes there were more hours in the day. |
I'm a male quilter from the South (I know, sounds like an oxymoron), love to quilt, longarm all my own quilts, and have way too much fabric.
Amy from Arizona
and author of:
Mo Momma |
I'm a 30 something working mom of 2 adorable boys age 4 (KidMo) and 7 mos (BabyMo). I am also married to the Man of my Dreams (aka MoDaddy) and very blessed to have him in my life. |
Tori from Florida
and author of:
I'm a self-taught sewer just trying to live my life creatively. I'm addicted to sewing handbags and pouches, and blogging! |
Gray from Germany
and author of:
Creative, crazy, flea market junkie and now a new upside down mama! |
Juanita from New Zealand
and author of:
Teacher, actor, writer, traveler, dreamer, ukulele player, beagle owner, wife, organic gardener, knitter, weirdy and all round busy woman...
I have been sewing for as long as I can remember; it's my therapy, my strength, my reminder of how amazing it is to create something when you start with simple materials. I can typically be found sewing several large quilts at once and also recently struck out into fiber painting as a way to create smaller art quilts. I'm excited to be a part of this endeavor and look forward to stretching my creative muscles to rise to the challenge! |
I live in Iowa and am from Oregon. I am surviving being the mother to a 17 yr old and 23 yr old boy and firmly believe in covering the gray they have caused! I love to paper craft, refinish furniture, create and have really started sewing again in the last 6 months and LOVE it!
I'm a full-time university instructor/researcher who have found a new passion "sewing" about two years ago when I tried to prove to myself that I could do anything if I put my mind into it (I used to hate sewing due to my childhood's experience in home economics class). I like learning new things and challenging myself. I'm also a fabrics- and crafts books addicted. :)) |
I am an adventurer, a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a writer, a craft-a-holic, a full-time employee, and most recently a blogger! I loved craft projects with my mom growing up, and my dear Gram taught me how to quilt. So my induction into the sewing world was a patriotic quilt that we still take to every picnic - and it still gets compliments. Since then, I've branched out into all sorts of crafts, but as my blog implies - I like quick projects. My favorite ones take an hour or less, and I generally make a couple a week - mostly for my 8-month old daughter. She's a beautiful inspiration! |
Tanya from Australia
and author of:
Name Name is Tanya. I am from Brisbane Australia. I am a mum and grandma. I love to create beautiful things for my home, as well as my family and friends. |
Stephanie from The Netherlands
and author of:
| When I moved from the UK to The Netherlands I needed something to fill my time with. I started sewing small things as a hobby but eventually had so many small toys and things that I had no space to store things any more as I live in a student room. So I decided to start selling them on etsy and it also helps fund me buying new materials to make more new things! I also find sewing to be a great break from my job, as I sit at my computer most of the day working on website designs. |
Kristin from Australia
and author of:
I am Kristin from Tasmania, Australia. I am a wife, a mother to a very busy little two year old boy and a novice with a sewing machine. |
Gwen from Virginia
and author of:
I've been sewing recklessly since I was 8, but I've taken a couple years off from sewing and am so happy to be crankin' up my little gal again. |
Keren from Israel
and author of:
I have worked for nine years as a Software Developer, but I am now on a break, sewing ceaselessly and loving every moment. Until two years ago, I thought I wouldn't enjoy sewing! I got into it when I decided to shorten the hem on a pair of jeans. I was so proud of myself, and the rest is history! |
Rikka from Montana
and author of:
| I am a wife, a mom, and a small town girl from Montucky who loves to sew handbags. |
OK - I have no idea what I'm going to do - but count me in. I've put it on my to do list for tomorrow to reply to you properly with my details! I'm excited that I'm home for this challenge and can join in!!
ReplyDeleteJill @ Creating my way to Success
Count me in!!! I had so much fun and learnt so much with the Retro Pillow Challenge, that I wouldn't miss this for the world. Thank you Rikka and Keren for all the time spent organising and for hosting. I think you have my details, but if you need more, just email.
ReplyDeleteI'm in of course!!! :-) 4 participants already! It's great to have our talented Pam on board and how wonderful that Jill is also in?
ReplyDeleteI am SOOOOO in :) I love a good challenge :D
ReplyDeleteMe in a nutshell... I moved to Texas in July to get married to an amazing guy. Thats when I started my blog (findingmywayintexas.blogspot.com). I wanted an outlet for my creativity and a way to meet new people. I heard about this challenge cause I follow this blog :) I'll email ya'll a picture.
So excited!!
I've got a geat idea brewing! Thanks for the challenge!
ReplyDeleteCount me in too!
ReplyDeleteI love solids -as much as I love all the patterned stuff!
Any excuse to make a bag will do.
This should be good!
Guess what, i would be making about 30 totes for a blogger meet we are planning here in chennai, so i am sure i can pop one in for this contest. I am In !
ReplyDeleteWell, this just sounds like fun! Count me in! I already have an idea for what I want to do, just got to find the right solids for it. It will be both smashing and fabulous, haha!! Here's my answers to the interrogatories:
ReplyDelete1. Your name - Eddie Landreth
2. Where you're from - Benton, Arkansas
3. You, in a nutshell - Usually a walnut, sometimes a pecan. HAHA! I'm a male quilter from the South (I know, sounds like an oxymoron), love to quilt, longarm all my own quilts, and have way too much fabric.
4. Your blog/website name(s) and URLs - http://arkansasmanquilter.blogspot.com/ Funny story about my blog name: I was guest speaker at a local quilt guild when I was standing near a couple of little old ladies who were speaking to each other in hushed voices. I overheard one say to the other: "He's that man quilter." Thus, the name was born!
5. How you heard about the Solids-Only Tote Challenge - It Ricocheted to me by email!
6. URL for an image to represent you or email one we can use - On my blog, feel free to right click and save.
Sweeeeeeet! We are up to 10 participants!!!!! Yay! The participant profiles on this homepage are still a work in progress. For some reason I can't get everyone's blog name to be the same color as their name--for some it worked, others no--I'm stumped. Anyway, if the photo and/or text isn't quite what you've always dreamed of, let me know--those are easy fixes! Spread the word my lovelies! The Solids-Only Tote Challenge is ready to roll!
Rikka J.
Got my fabrics all bought and the pattern idea is rolling around "in my head". Looking forward to getting started on it.
ReplyDelete@Eddie, I'm in the same boat as you, except for the pattern idea, that is! I got my fabrics picked out and laundered, but don't know quite what to do with them yet.
ReplyDeleteMy goal it do some regular applique--because I'm stuck in a reverse applique rut. It's not a "challenge" if I don't branch out and try new things.
As everyone can see, there is a lot of room left on the homepage for more participants. Anyone is welcome to join in. Even folks without blogs---I'll do your posts for you! So spread the word, my lovelies!
Rikka J.
ReplyDeleteI am keen to give this a bash. I could use a new tote for traveling with, so that will be my goal...
Your name: Juanita McLellan
Where you're from: Wairarapa, New Zealand
You, in a nutshell: Teacher, actor, writer, traveler, dreamer, ukulele player, beagle owner, wife, organic gardener, knitter, weirdy and all round busy woman...
Your blog/website name(s) and URLs
How you heard about the Solids-Only Tote Challenge: I was wandering the internets looking for something entirely different.
URL for an image to represent you or email one we can use
I am back!!! I had so much fun with the retro pillow challenge I HAVE to do this one!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy name is June and I live in Iowa and am from Oregon. I am surviving being the mother to a 17 yr old and 23 yr old boy and firmly believe in covering the gray they have caused! I love to paper craft, refinish furniture, create and have really started sewing again in the last 6 months and LOVE it! My blog is http://jandrzoo.blogspot.com/
I heard about the challenge by email and by my daily stalking, I mean following of this blog!!
OKAY... I am in after all. I told you I cannot resist a challenge, argh!
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you need anything from me, I figure you have my bio from the last round and you already know how I heard about this. ;)
I would love to join in. I just emailed Rikka. I hope it's not too late to join. :)
ReplyDeleteLook how tidy the challenge participants section is! Rikka, you're a web design ace :-)
ReplyDeleteLoving the challenge now that I found what I was looking for.... decided to make it a travel tote.... so I'll be posting updates on my travel blog:
I am hoping I haven't left it too late to enter?!? I am Kristin from Tasmania, Australia. I am a wife, a mother to a very busy little two year old boy and a novice with a sewing machine. I blog here http://prittytings.blogspot.com/ I actually stumbled across the Retro Pillow challenge a while ago but didn't leave myself long enough to enter, so this time (still cutting it fine) I am hoping to participate. I am a bit of a technospaz so I'm hoping this works for the picture http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hGyNdxfO7k8/TjOOwK0WoTI/AAAAAAAAAAY/XcEqwYrpFvo/s220-h/081%2B%25282%2529.JPG
ReplyDeleteAny problems please email me at gkristin@y7mail.com
Hahaha...talk about last minute! I think i will have a tote to enter tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteMy name is Gwen from The Bold Abode, www.theboldabode.com. I've been sewing recklessly since I was 8, but I've taken a couple years off from sewing and am so happy to be crankin' up my little gal again.
I live in Virginia and heard about the Challenge from Jill and Keren.
Here's my pic... I hope it works.